Friday, September 13, 2019

The Business of Writing for Children An Award-Winning Author’s Tips on How to Write, Sell, and Promote Your Children’s Books by Aaron Shepard

The Business of
Writing for
Children An Award-Winning Author’s Tips on How to
Write, Sell, and Promote Your Children’s Books by Aaron Shepard is an indispensible tool if you want to start to write children's books.
You musn't never think that it is ssimple to write good children's books
Personally, when I pick up a children's book I am very selective. As also said Isaac Bashevis Singer in a famous quote: "In our time, when the literature for adults is deteriorating, good books for children are the only hope, the only refuge."
This book will help you to understand tips and tricks that, differently you would learn after a lot of years of experience in this field.
The first that should be understood is that it is not simple to make some money with children's books, if not after a lot of years of practice. 
If in the chapter Thruths and Myths we will see what it is real and what it is just a myth in the editorial field of children's books, in the second chapter, The Basics, the author will define the field of your work. Are you interested to work for beginning readers or for teenagers? For everyone tips and tricks, for creating a good and captivating story.
Then the submission of the story and what it is now a publishing house, with all the possible differences existing in the sector; a big one, an independent, an epublisher etc treating alsocontract and rights, royalties.
Shepard will also write down several pages about the distribution of the book once published. The second part start with the suggestion of scripting the story, where there are not too many dialogues,in particular when the children's writer writes mainly for toddlers and so he lacks some fantasy.
Dialogue and action must become two words close together. I also found interesting and funny the ways for promoting a first children's book.

Beautiful and interesting for sure, highly recommended to all the future children'swriters of this world.
Good Luck!

I thank NetGalley for this ebook.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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