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Monday, April 22, 2019

Thanks Wordsworth-Editions!

Thank you so much Wordsworth-Editions,

I received the package with three beautiful classics, ready to be read and reviewed some days ago.
It was an age I wanted to contact Wordsworth-Editions. With a book-blog, collaborating with them would have been good, I thought.

Classics are incredibly important in a period like this one; in this confused and superficial society they stimulate critic sense, they add a lot in the existence of a person, they are unforgettable  profound and they give sense to the existence.

I had choosen Wordsworth-Editions many years ago when I started to read english books: at first reading in another language is hard when we start massively an activity. I bought through the net classics by Nesbit, a book about irish fairy-tales, Dickens. I didn't know the story of this publishing house, but their prices were the best ones that I discovered in that italian site and to me what it counted was that :-)

The philosophy of Wordsworth is in this direction:  "To produce the best quality books that we can at the lowest possible price."
At the moment the publishing house has in active 270 classic titles for adults and children and they cost just 2 pounds and hald, the cost of a cup of coffee.

What kind of books did I choose? You'll be curious to know: The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens, I started to read this one, This Side of Paradise & The Beautiful and the Damned by Francis Scott Fitzgerald two books in one and Little Men &    Jo's Boys by Louisa May Alcott. Again two books in one.

A splash in the Victorian Age with Dickens and the fascination of a curious place, a kid, Nelly, an old man....

With Fitzgerald we will penetrate the early 1900s in the rich and sophisticated world of New York City and its upper class. This Side of Paradise, after a lot of short tales appeared in prestigious magazines was the first book released by this author.
It obtained immediately a great success and re-printings were furious in the real sense of the word. Still not mature as it will be The Great Gatsby, it is possible to find in this first book all the most important thematic beloved by Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The sense of lightness and superficiality of Amory, richness, sex, failures.
The second is the story of Anthony focused on failures and a life spent  senseless.

I decided for the latest two books of the series of Little Women, together in one book, because I hadn't read that ones. Less known than Little Women, we will find again in the first book Jo March and her husband and the boys of their school at Plumfield; in the second what happened to them 10 years later.

Anna Maria Polidori

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