200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Symphony of Happiness, Sinfonia della Felicità by Simona Corvese

I want to start to saying I received this ebook review copy more than two months ago. I lost the epub; because without anymore internet connection at home altered in the daily-routine, just recently I re-downloaded the file. 

This book written by Simona Corvese, Symphony of Happiness, Sinfonia della Felicità is extremely warm and human, and it is, maybe  the first thing you notice, while you are reading it.  
It seems a modern but at the same time Old fashioned book of good feelings, where bad people won't make, for once, a good end, and where, good people will reach happines and joy.
The reason of the title is this one....

The story is divided in the present and in the past, the 1970s.
In general when writers opens several "windows" is not always a big success, because the story can't be followed anymore well, they add too many characters, too many stories, too many dialogues. There is...confusion.

In this case it's the opposite thanks to an author that to my point of view is riflessive and plenty of good heart also in the choices of dialogues, intelligent ones. She loves all the characters invented and she is sweet with them; for each of them prepared an incredible story, very well told using maturity, understanding. David, Roberto, Gyorgy, different destinies, same formation, are interconnected. Plus, let me add this: this book will let you discover a world, the one of classic music, that it is simply enchanting.
It's an altruistic book, positive, plenty of great values, friendship, love, generosity, passions, dreams, expectations. It's a meritocratic book also this one where, for sure, it is not important the nationality of a person if there is talent. This giving love, this desire of loving as parents is another strong thematic treated in the book.
The end is wonderfully moving.

The story:
Roberto Neri is a famous director of orchestra; he has a wife, Laura and shares his apartment with a little turtle called Valentina. Back in Milan after a long time spent around the world directing the most prestigious orchestras you can think at, he abruptly faints in the historic center of the city because of low pressure. The last thing he remembers the wonderful sound of some violins and in particular the way a violin was sang by a little girl called Livia a rom like the rest of the other children close to her.
Livia and her friends surrounded him, when fainted, all curious and trying to be helpful in a way or in another.
People, skeptical regarding their help, tried their best for sending them to hell, but Roberto can't forget the magical sound of that violin played by that little girl.

When Roberto re-meets Livia asks her if she wants to start a school for singing violin professionally thanks to his wife Laura, a teacher and founder of a reality La Fondazione Musica Senza Confini, No Borders Music Foundation completely free for children and people who would want to study music and don't have the possibility of doing it, a charity helping marginalized children.

Livia lives with Jòzsef his cousin and his mother Vicka. As you will read it's a complicated situation. I don't want to reveal more, but the story of roms is pretty interesting and fascinating.  

The place where Livia and Jòzsef the cousin will study is beautiful. Teachers in that school are amazed by the wonderful ability of these two children of playing violin. It's unusual.
David is another director of orchestra, and a great friend of Roberto.
They share a great talent but also a sad, old,story. Their friendship is long and strong, born in the sufferance.

Roberto is conquered by the talent of Livia and her sensibility and she remembers him someone he had previously lost. Livia would have wanted with all herself to study music for becoming a musician but problems, difficulties and the hard heart of people, sometimes because of their broken dreams, is not helpful.

Gyorgy, their dad is now a real delinquent; when he discovers that these children attend music classrooms under the wing and protection of director Neri, he decides of going away with them: Spain.

The children try their best for staying connected with music also when in Spain. A dream is always a dream.

Roberto's personal life is haunted by a sad past and a terrible incident where, both his parents lost the existence when he was still little.
Once adult he experienced another important trauma.

Roberto at the end will re-discover Livia. He is seriously interested in adopting the teenager, but problems remain persistent under many aspects...

This one is a trilogy, so I guess you will wait for the second book as anxiously as I do!

Not all the story has been revealed.

I thank Simona Corvese for this ebook.

Anna Maria Polidori

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