Wednesday, April 10, 2019

La storia dell'acqua by Maja Lunde

La Storia dell'Acqua by Maja Lunde translated superbly well f
rom the Norwegian, original title Bla by Giovanna Paterniti and published by Marsilio is a powerful story about the present and the probable future of water, 2041; migrations in other countries because of this reason.
Signe is the daughter of a journalist and the massive impact and influence of her dad will mean to her activism once adult, once journalist.
Her mother was the owner of a hotel and for this reason, she was also in policy, they approved the construction of a termo-idraulic reality in grade to devastate the eco-system, destroying the beautiful river as they had known it.
Signe's dad will fight against this project; Signe also when she will grow up will continue to fight close to her dad for protecting the environment.

That icebergs are excited to melting down is not a novelty, but ice is also extracted in Norway and sold in other parts of the world at rich people with great damage for the environment, remarks the author.

In love for Magnus, another kid, with which Signe will grow up in company of, they will lose contacts per decades. Magnus will become her opposite, someone who would have accomplished that system she doesn't like at all. Signe, mature now hasnt lost the rebellionn of her youth.

The other story the one of David and Lou. French, their family house burned in a fire: they escaped away finding some peace in a camp, searching for some news of their beloved ones, with the desire of emigrating somewhere else once reunited with the rest of their family: where there is water.
Not the one of sea, constantly more high, but not good for being drunk.
David worked in a factory where sea water was transformed in sweet water.

They search for the rest of their family, meeting new people, but at the same time maybe with different results from the one expected.

What I noticed in this story is this trying to going on, for not become crazy.
When a person has lost everything, it is crucial and important what remains of his/her life.

It is surely a scary, scary world the one portrayed powerfully well by Maja Lunde. A world where there will be a lack of water; a world where people will be constricted to emigrate somewhere else; a world without fruits, without veggies, without the reality as we know it. A desertification of our Mediterranean area.
While I was reading this book I thought at this world in transformation: at this lack of peace: wherever we look there are quakes, floods, devastations in grade to change the course of the existence of entire communities and countries.
And, it is sad to write this, there is no escapism, because wherever a person would want to go for finding peace, would find other stress, and other environmental problems. And this one, to my point of view, is a problem.

My granny loved to saying that when there is peace in the environment there is also peace in the heart of people. Who knows: maybe it's this uncertainty the cause of this strained world.

I loved the introspective thoughts of Signe, her life; I also loved the intesity of her thoughts; what she said once, a kid, changed the existence of her parents.

"That one was the beginning of the end...It's my fault, just my fault my solitude, I have choosen that, I am condamned to be free, I can't absolve myself for the responsability that I have."

Another important, crucial thematic of this book is sex and what happens in the psychology of children still unprepared for seeing scenes like that ones. Sometimes it's a devastation.
The quoted passages of this book, the phrases said by Signe and reported by me are in fact referred at her personal responsibility for what she said when very little. Something that can remains impressed in the mind of others and in the one of the person who reported that. Forever, changing the story of a family.

Let's hope that this  book will be in grade to stimulate a serious reflection regarding the state of the Planet. The previous book by this author tells the story of bees. It's important to protect our eco-system.

Personally I am a peaceful girl.

I don't kill any animal. I have a buddhist philosophy; I love peace, I give peace, I desire peace for everyone but I declared war to hornets and swaps when I understood that they kill bees.
Why keeping horrible insects? Why do we want to live in a horrible world, wanting horrible animals, without to protect peaceful and adorable ones?

Let's reflect.

Highly recommended.

Anna Maria Polidori

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