Wednesday, February 06, 2019

365 Days of Happines Because Happiness is a Piece of Cake A Step-by-Step guide to being Happy by Jacqueline Pirtle

365 Days of Happiness  Because Happiness is a Piece of Cake A Step-by-Step guide to being Happy by Jacqueline Pirtle and published by is a wonderful self-help book that I am sure you will adore so badly.

Let's ask first of all: why should we live unhappy when we can be happy?

The author tells that a happy person and "a happy life is a fun and fulfilled experience. A happy being has a healthy physical body, a mind producing joyous thoughts, a soul easy to connect to, and a vivid consciousness to experience life through."

Not only: Jacqueline thinks also that it is important, where not crucial, a positive attitude and invite all his/her readers to keep this copy of her book close to bed so, it will be the first book that you will see when you will get up or will go to bed, for searching for some inspirations.
You can read the book as it is, or just, suggestion, you can jump here and there for searching for some advice you need the most.
This book contains 365 days of happiness, because, look, it's important to be happy, it's important to stay happy and it's important to communicate positive vibes to this world. Everyday. 

What can make us happy?
What we love. So, tea instead coffe, a piece of cake, or if you prefer some veggies,good food, water, going out, walking, going to the cinema, inviting friends, working, being you with your self.

Jacqueline invites everyone to experience this mantra:

• I love my new day.

• I love every breath that I take.

• I love my physical body, mind, soul, and

• I love all clothing I wear in my new day.

• I love all the magic and miracles that are waiting for

• I love all the food and drink that goes into my body.

• I love the ground beneath every step I take.

• I love all the sounds around me.

• I love everyone and everything showing up in my new

• I love my laughter, smile, and voice.

• And… I love all the non-fitting happenings in my life,
all that annoys me, and all contrasts that are for me.

Why this latest annotation? Because our life, our walk, our pilgrimage on the Earth is unique and each of us meet contrasts that can be different from the ones of our friends, our relatives, our neighbors.

An open invite, this book, at giving the best of you in terms of generosity, kindness, love, and an invite at being empathic with other people but also with all the creatures and objects close to you. Your home, your plants, what you eat; establish a contact, don't just see the reality as a grey place where everything must be done for a reason, but because everything must be done and with joy and happiness.

It's important to be open and in this sense I want to share with you what Jacqueline thinks in this sense:

• I wonder what my new day will bring? This creates
openness and flexibility.

• I wonder what it would be like to fly? This creates
imagination and creativity.

• I wonder what that person feels and needs? This
creates compassion and kindness.

• I wonder what I should do today? This creates
adventure, possibilities and activates all new.

• I wonder what I should create next? This creates
change, newness and opportunities.

• I wonder what my heart would love to do? This brings
you closer to your heart.

And, let's pay attention: to nature, to our dear ones, considering everything and everyone as a precious gift donated us by life. Also when they are irritation-angels...

Are there secrets for this life?

Not many and all of them can be reached by all of us.
Jacqueline suggests to start with these ones:

• Slow down, be present, observe!

• Hear, see, taste, smell, think, and feel!

• Exercise and move your body!

• Eat clean food!

• Drink plenty of water!

• Meditate!

• Laugh and play!

• Be in awe!

• Sleep and rest!

Sharing is important. A compliment, a thought, a conversation, a moment spent together, your time can means a lot to another person, so don't never forget it.

Don't surround yourself with negative vibes, but with people in grade to let you stay happy. Use kind words, keeps this world special for you and for all your dear ones.
Surround yourself by soft tools and items. It works. I remember that when my dad died I bought an used bag made by wool. I didn't want to feel the hard touch of life. 

Sometimes clean out, it will help you to focus moree clearly your priorities but at the same time search for comfort, because you will discover your dimension.
It's important to accept ourselves for who we are externally and internally; loving ourselves will mean to stay much more harmonically and happily in this world.

And...Feel this life.

Advice from Jacqueline

• Don’t just wake up in the morning, feel yourself
waking up.

• Don’t just talk, feel what you say.

• Don’t just think, feel your thoughts.

• Don’t just taste and smell your food, feel it.

• Don’t just hear or listen to music, feel the sounds.

• Don’t just walk, feel yourself walking.

• Don’t just see what comes into your awareness, feel it.

Feel: feel sentiments, feel food, and water you ingest; feel nature, feel this world plenty of great energy.

It is important to create your own happiness for then sharing it with whoever you know. Be grateful for what you have and once per day for three minutes or more focus on something you love. A song, a beautiful scenario, whatever you think it's poetic, plenty of meaning for you.

Try to recycle the energy you powerfully created, remembering always that it must be something joyous and happy because as says the author "How you feel in your now creates the scenery for your next, and that is when you get the whole experience."

Mental states are important. If you are sad or happy, or joyous, or unsatisifed you will notice that is who you are in that moment! It is crucial to be happy!
If it is difficult, imagine a book, writes the author where there is written what your past WAS; leave that words there, and goes on, in that clear pages still to be written. Past can't be carried with you into the NOW, writes Jacqueline and live your happiness as your constant state of mind, adds the author.
Search for happy, green places where spend some quality-time.
That, and much more, is happiness for 365 days and for an entire year!
Spread positive vibes, spread peace, understanding, joy, serenity, happiness, brotherhood with everyone.
Because this life is a wonderful life.

And as adds the author:

Imagine that you are a bee, living your new day, jumping
from happiness to happiness. Every jump you take, some
happiness sticks on your being; like pollen on the bee. It
adds up, resulting in you getting happier and happier…

A joy reading this book! I warmly suggest it to all of you, because it's energetic, and encouraging and starts from you for arriving to all the other people connected with you and...the world as well, because if we live well in this world it's good for the entire society. A society starts in a micro-cosm, family, dilatating later in the macro-cosm, our society.

Happy individuals in a society are the first start for a best world.

I thank the author for this ebook.

Anna Maria Polidori

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