Monday, October 01, 2018

A History of America in 100 Maps by Susan Schulten

What a wonderful book it's this new one: A History of America in 100 Maps by Susan Schulten published by Chicago University Press. It's a pity that I received a digital copy; frustrating to look at it with my smart phone; the book in fact is simply impressive, and it would have deserved much more attention and study in the real sense of the word; splendid, colored, old-fashioned, intriguing, rich of stories, anecdotes, if you were searching for a historical book about the USA with an original approach, maps, for understanding much better the country, or just because you fall in love for and with the topic.
A stunning reconstruction this one, of a country starting from the discovery of America, so the first settlements where we will see the born of New England and other States as well, the arrival of french people and their importance for the country; Native Americans and impact with the newcomers; the book is divided for historical periods and I would add, historical phases that marked the history of the USA.

Go for it with the certainty of buying a great, wonderful book.

Highly recommended.

I thank Chicago University Press for the digital copy of this eBook.

Anna Maria Polidori

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