Friday, May 07, 2021

What in the World is the Coronavirus? by Martina Marie Domino

 What in the World is the Coronavirus?

by Martina Marie Domino is a children's book dedicated to this pandemic and the necessary ways for coping with it.

The narrator of this story is Jalen. Jalen will guide the children in the complicated and dangerous world that a pandemic means for everyone, physically, psychologically, emotionally.

To children Covid means a complete isolation, for their safety (and the ones of their parents) from the rest of their friends. If in the past it was a continuous meeting for playing, for birthdays, for holidays spent all together, now all of it is over.

But..Why this?

Because of a nasty virus, called Covid-19 (because appeared to the world with these scaring semblances in 2019.)

This virus enters in the body of another person if this person meets other people with this illness. The positive person can have just some cold. That's why wearing masks is fundamental.

Why do we must clean our hands often, you'll ask? Because we can catch the virus also thanks to surfaces, objects, the most common ones, contaminated. So the good idea of cleaning everything, and our hands compulsively is a wonderful idea. How long should we clean our hands? For more than 20 seconds and with soap.

Why should a kid be careful? Because if children in general don't feel the illness massively, and with the horrible collateral effects that could effect older people, there is to say that it is better not to bring the virus at home possibly, because there are maybe other siblings with asthma or other nasty illnesses, adults more fragiles and the virus in these cases could be cruel with them.

A little book for everyone, after all, where a lot of questions, fears and perplexities will find answer.

Highly recommended.

I thank Martina for the copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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