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Saturday, April 24, 2021

Open: Where It All Started A 90 Day- Journal Extended Edition by Jacqueline Pirtle


Where It All Started A 90 Day- Journal Extended Edition by Jacqueline Pirtle is another incredibly good journal for being more happy, more satisfied of your existence.

Undoubitedly in this life sometimes we can be close-ness experiencing fear, anger, anxiety, depression but it is when we are open-ness that we  give the best of ourselves. Defining this second condition, Pirtle says that it is "where you can truly be you, and "can make  your wishes, dreams, and desires come true."

The most common errors that all of us do is remembering the past, seeing our errors and failures. Of course in this depressing condition we can't be creative, but we are put down by our same thoughts, vibrating in a low frequency. "Being open to all that life has in store for you is where it all starts because it allows unlimited opportunities to arrive in that wideness" explains Jacqueline.

The trip that Jacqueline has thought for you is magical as magicals are her books.

At first there will be the visualization of a door, then the door is opens...Just with these two entries you can visualize a dreaming world, the one you have every dreamed.

Personally I read it also as an exercise of an exciting experiment of creative writing. This journal won't feed up just your soul but body as well! speaking of concreet thematics that sometimes are worrying us. I want to underline an expression used by Jacqueline.

You must know  that the first time I heard in english the word open-minded well, it was thanks to my correspondent Maria Louise. She lives in California and she insisted that they were and are open-minded. Who is an open-minded person? Jacqueline doesn't have doubt: a person like that one has the ability to see, feel, hear and live beyond what things look like in physicality. 

So, open yourself to the immense possibility that the University will present you because of positive vibes, positive frequencies and because of a positive attitude to the existence.

Another stunning journal! Congratulations, Jacqueline.

Highly recommended.

I thank Jacqueline for the copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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