200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Hairlarious Critter Tails by Sharon Kleve

 Hairlarious Critter Tails by Sharon Kleve is an homage to squirrels. Americans go crazy for animals maybe because they have a large diversity and their contact with also wild animals can be frequent.

Sharon tells in the introduction at this sunny book that living in a place where she can does it, has a lot of domestic animals, spotting, frequently squirrels and other wild animals as well. This ebook is dedicated to them! 

Starting from squirrels. Oh, I adore them! You must know that when I was little I was fixated with squirrels. When our elemantary teacher Angela gave us a theme, it was about some fictional story on squirrels. I adored they way of living and their idea of family and the warm of their little tiny, cozy nest.

Sharon starts to tell us several important facts that maybe not everyone know about squirrels: one of the best ones is that squirrels are helping to...planting trees in the immese forests of the USA!  The season of love is from February to May and a squirrel tends to have circa 2-4 babies per time.They can fall from 30 meters without any kind of pain. They're real acrobats. Their eyes are positioned in a way that permit them of looking behind and escape when they see a predator.

Remember the remake with Johnny Depp of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? I thought that they were fictional creatures: They were all real and trained by The Nut Room Animal trainer Michael Alexander and his for more than 19 weeks! Incredible!

A part of this section  is dedicated at the jokes involving squirrels. Hilarious!

Frogs: more than 6000 spieces in the world the biggest exemplary in Africa. They are on this Earth from more than 200 million of years and the first animals in land with vocal cords. There are also frogs emitting poison and another one similar to a kangaroo.

Rabbits! Beautiful, tender, shy, rabbits have all characteristic that help us to interact with sweetness with this animal. In captivity they can eat only carrotts, surviving, but when they are free they love to eating grass and everything green around them. It is true!

There are rabbits for domestic purposes incredibly big like the Flemish Giant rabbit. Remarkably hugienic, these little animals can have several bunnies everytime.

Pigs are another interesting chapter; the other one on goat willlet us discover the incredible world of an intelligent animal. Rectangular pupils, four stomachs being ruminant animals, their milk is the best one of this world. It's very good and contains vitamin A and calcium at high doses.

I adore them: hedgehogs: affectionate, tender and cute animals they are the best if you have a garden and you want to protect your veggies from nasty animals. Great guardians, these little animals roll into a ball for protecting themselves from predators. They eat insects, but also worms, centipedes, bird eggs, snails, mice, frogs, and snakes and an adult's got from 5000 to 7000 spines.

Chickens: they have a best vision if compared to the one of the humans; once someone counted the feathers of a chicken for a total of more than 8000 leathers.

Peacocks are suggestive colored animals; vice-versa Raccoon in captivity òlives just 3 years while in captivity something like 20 years!

Nocturnal animals they stay awoken during the day as well! if they find good food. Their appaetite is endless and they tend to eat whatever they find along their way.

In general raccons are accidentally killed by car drivers. The female of the raccon has a time of gestation of 63 days for a 7 kits in total.

Porcupine closes this beautiful adventure presented by Sharon.

For all the children of this world! I found beautiful imagines, great description of every animal and a lot of fun with jokes associated to them.

Highly recommended.

I thank Sharon for the copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 


Sharon Kleve said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful review of Hairlarious Critter Tails. You are the best...


Sharon Kleve said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful review of Hairlarious Critter Tails. You are the best...
