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Friday, February 26, 2021

The death of Pierre - Guillaume de Roux

 Weeks ago I read an article published by Le Figaro. A french publishing house released a book about the love-story between Chopin and George Sand: oh, it was a story incredibly strong and at the same time particular, you must know. I previously read and reviewed Chopin's Funeral by Eisler, a great book and I was curious of this new one. I was also reading a book by George Sand, so I felt a lot of inspiration. 

I didn't know that publishing house, when I surfed the web, called PGDR. I experienced because of the bad weather, difficulties in surfing the page, but I immediately found the various social medias where I could have reached with more simplicity the page. 

I was  transported in the page of Pierre-Guillaume de Roux,

the founder of the publishing house, that it is called with his same name: you had to add him, requesting his friendship. I thought that wow, he was for sure a character. I requested the friendship, but...It was very cold; it snowed and it was impossible any kind of activity like writing, reading, composing e-mails. I thought that I would have introduced myself later, in a week or so.

I didn't forget the love between Chopin and George Sand and one day I thought that it was time, weather more warm, to see if I could ask for a review copy at the publishing house. I opened the page of monsieur Pierre-Guillaume de Roux: there were many articles and reading them I discovered...That he was dead!

I was very sorry. It didn't never happen before that I requested a friendship for later discovering that the person, in the while, died. And...I can't tell you what I proved. 

But...Who was Pierre-Guillame de Roux? I became curious. 

Pierre-Guillame was a son of art. I guess you noticed I am reading and reviewing various books by L'Editions de L'Herne: good. The father of Pierre-Guillame, Dominique, was the founder of the Cahiers de l'Herne. 

Dominque was the hero of Pierre-Guillaume; unfortunately, Dominque de-Roux disappeared also too soon, in 1977, leaving a devastated son of just 14 years.

The same love for books, publishing houses captured Pierre-Guillame who, five years later worked with Christian Bourgois, a god in the editorial field and later at La Table Ronde, Julliard, Editions Bartillat, Rocher. 

The decision of create a publishing house in 2010. Authors published: Gilles Lapouge, Philippe Le Guillou, Jean-Pierre Montai and more. For what I understood, reading various pieces, and I thank the Editions de L'Herne for the material, Pierre-Guillame was a free spirit; enchanted by the writings of Marcel Proust but also by the timeless adventure told by Dumas in the Three Musketeers. 

To the family many condolences.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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