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Monday, June 01, 2020

The Good for Nothing Frogs by Daniel Georges

I have always loved frogs. 

They meant to me hearing them during the night when more little and then, when the day started, leaving the place to birds, roosters and other creatures. 

Unfortunately the new window glasses are too heavy for hearing them anymore as in the past, but thanks to the internet I can hear their concert every night and it is so peaceful and natural.

I so appreciated with joy this children's book The Good for Nothing Frogs by Daniel Georges. 

As we will see later, there is also a strong morale in this story. 

We are in a big castle where lives a king. 

A king so jealous of his sleeping time that no one must try to disturb him. His chef is a crocodile. Substantially he is a sort of factotum, not just a chef. One night the king can't sleep because of frogs's chant and the crocodile suggests of capturing them and later, why not? cooking them. 

Just...Nature is nature and every creature that it is missing mean an alteration of the eco-system. What happened once all frogs were captured? Fleas, mosquitos became the happiest creatures in the land, constricting, forcing the king at taking another measure: he released the frogs, punishing the chef. 

The crocodile insisted in fact with the king, that that ones were creatures good for nothing: they arrived at the decision of capturing them for this reason.

Just.. as explain the author, no one should say at a person or a creature a nasty phrase like that one, simply because everyone play a perfect role in the society or in nature and he/she is useful in a way or in another.

Beautifully illustrated, you can't lose it!

It's a powerful children's book that will bring optimism also at that kid who think that he hasn't still found his/her place on this Earth, because he met nasty companions at kidergarten or school.

Highly recommended.

I thank the author for the copy of the ebook.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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