Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Aspetti del Nuovo Radicalismo di Destra di Theodor W. Adorno

It's up to us. The destiny of a world free from any radicalism of right it's in our hands. We can't be just spectators but people with more responsibility regarding the present and the future of the world.

This one is the last conclusion of Theodor W. Adorno in the pamphlet  Aspetti del Nuovo

Radicalismo di Destra. This clear little book published by Marsilio takes in consideration a conference Adorno had had at the University of Wien on April 6th 1967. 

At the beginning Adorno traces an ideal line of connection between the radicalism of right and people connected to it: in general peasants, frustrated with the establishment because they don't receive proper answers; poor people and all that ones thinking that the capitalism can't be the best answer to their problems and expectations. 

Adorno in fact thinks that the problem they were currently living, after all, was similar to the ones that anticipated the third Reich: turmoil a social condition of most people unsatisfied. 

These groups, insists Adorno hate with all themselves communism and every sort of idea connected with it. These ideologies in general are stronger when there is a general weakness in the system of a state: they want to represent the answer to the problems of people.

Unity, the idea of coesion is part of the ideology of nationalisms; it is true, adds Adorno, that these groups don't tend to develop a specifical ideology. They just hate everyone, they don't love communism at all, they are anti-semitic, and they use mainly  propaganda for spreading their ideas. 

They're not elegant in their way of acting; and there is falsity in their actions because says Adorno, they are in grade of hiding their real purposes letting believe someone completely different to the people and masses.

The nationalistic policy is a policy of catastroph and insanity and technological perfection. As said before intellectuals were and are lived pretty critically by the nationalism of right because seen as the priviledged ones, in contrapposition with "real workers."

Anti-semitism remain one of their main flag spreading the idea that if all that people were killed during the last world war conflict, maybe they committed something. At the same time another big flag of this ideology is the anti-americanism. (We were in the Cold War and there were two blocks.) 

The propaganda used by the nationalism is necessary to the group because it helps at spreading tensions in the masses, passing through a so-called strong man.

These times under many ways are, more than in the recent decades, populated by new nationalisms and populistic movements with the so-called strong men, "born" thanks to the international global crisis that there is in the world.

The new pandemic flu, racism (as we are seeing these days in USA after that a black man has been killed by a police man) and resentments are dangerous spies of weakness of the systems; and there, in these weaknesses a culture like the one of nationalism of right can grow up. So as Adorno told at the end of the conference: it's all up to us and let me add, good sense and intelligence to keep our countries free from these dangerous ideologies.

Highly recommended.

I thank Marsilio for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 


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