Thursday, October 17, 2019

Le livre de Decisions De Bourdieu au Swot, 50 modeles a appliquer pour mieux reflechir by Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschappeler translated by Amelie de Maupeou and adapted in french by Mathieu Jehanno

Le Livre de Decisions De Bourdieu au Swot, 50 modeles a appliquer pour mieux reflechir by Mikael Krogerus
and Roman Tschappeler translated by Amelie de Maupeou and adapted in french by Mathieu Jehanno is a great self-help book that wants, through many pshychologicals and not only models to trying to suggest to you the best way for taking decisions. Big decisions, but also little decisions.
We know all that most of us are procrastinators, that sometimes we don't launch ourselves in new adventures and decisions and that sometimes we are like trapped in a sort of multiples, different decisions that create confusion in our minds; because our interests, because our hobbies, we can't focus with attention on the important things of the existence.

Eisenhower, loved to saying that "les choses urgentes sont rarement importantes, et les choses importantes sont rarement urgentes", the urgent choices are rarely important, and the important choices are rarely urgents.

Men focus mainly on two kind of choices: urgent and importants.

Seeing and analyzing various methods and helped also by important tools in grade to clarify in your mind (this book contains pages where you will write down your priorities) choosing should become more simple and your mind more vivid and motivated.

Following the method of Warren Buffett you can write down a list of priorities that need to be done today trying to see how it works, starting from the first one. 

SWOT analyzes not just projects but also their Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. 

Obviously when a person is close to a dilemma it's also important, remark the authors to trying to understand what is your most important quality. Knowing yourself is a great method for going on well in life, taking the best choices for you.

The example in the book the one of a marathon. A person not too much trained can't think of running a marathon.It's too long. Maybe it would be better to thinking of running for 30 minutes everyday. 

It's important to control our thughts. 

The Talmud says: 

Surveille tes pensées, car elles deviennent tes mots.
Surveille tes mots, car ils deviennent tes actions.
Surveille tes actions, car elles deviennent tes habitudes.
Surveille tes habitudes, car elles deviennent ton caractère.
Surveille ton caractère, car il devient ton destin.

When our choices are important and our expectations big there is the big risk that they won't work and so Barry Schwarts recommends to focus on a choice. When you go to a restaurant, tries to focus on a certain dish. It would be better and so on. 
Profusion when ideas not too clears, add the authors create a lot of confusion.

This book is pretty long, I received a long extract, but for every voice of the existence, from cars to trips and much much more you will receive tips, suggestions and how to take the best decision.

Surely a great book for chronicle unsecure people!

I thank Editions Leduc for the copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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