Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Selfie Made by Meredith Validando Rojas

Are you interested to become a celebrity on the net? Interested to receive wagons of likes, followers, seeing your pictures loved by everyone, your videos appreciated by millions of people, Do you want to start to be known as a wonderful internettian human being in grade to entertain million of other souls? Do you want so badly to create a wonderful, stunning, poetic digital identity, where you present your best self?
Right, great, I would add: if you want all of it, and you want to discover what and how to do that; what you should do for reach this goal without to be famous, there is a book that you should read immediately for become intriguing to the eyes of other internet-people. Selfie Made Your ultimate Guide to Social Media Stardom by Meredith Validando Rojas, co- founder and CEO of DigiTour will help you step-by step thanks also at the detailed and interesting experiences that she lived in first person when she created that reality to let you know what to do precisely, which errors to avoid, what videos you shouldn't never post, why a post, or a video becomes viral and what there is behind; what to do for attract people and followers.

Written with great energy, enthusiasm and desire of sharing and helping, plenty of tips, suggestions, I highly suggest it to you.

I thank NetGalley  for this eBook.

Anna Maria Polidori

PS: pictures taken on the twitter page of the author.

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