Saturday, September 22, 2018

Miracle on the 34th Street A StoryBook Editing of the Christmas Classics by Valentine Davies and pictures by James Newman Gray

Miracle on the 34th Street A StoryBook Editing of the Christmas Classics by Valentine Davies and pictures by James Newman Gray adapted for picture book by Susanna Leonard Hill is one of the most beloved Christmas's stories: during a parade, Santa must be replaced and a gentle old man, offers his help. Susan the daughter of Mother is happy to see the end of the Parade, and the success that it has had thanks to the new Santa. Invited for dinner, the old man doesn't have any problem to tell them that he is the real Santa Claus. Skepticism starts to mount. But what: don't you believe in  Christmas and in Santa Claus, replies Kris. Susan believes in him and asks him, when they speak together alone a precious gift: Santa promises that he will do all his best.
At the same time Kris is also accused of telling lies saying that he is the real Santa; there will be a trial as well, but do you know of? After all the story was resolved for better, and maybe Susan can sees her dream becoming true.

I love illustrations, and the big warm that this book is in grade to communicate.

It is a  precious object, with an enchanting cover but also with precious fonts in grade to give to this book another more precious treat where possible: one of the most important gifts for your children!

Have you ever thought why children are in grade to see, feel things that adults can't see or feel anymore? Because adults have lost the capacity of dreaming.

Dreaming is important exactly like believing and this story wants to remind us that the dimension of dreams and the dimension of believing create a wonderful connection: there is a door, in our soul, that should always stay open, and it is the one of the enchantment, the one dedicated at the dimension of dream and possibilities; sometimes skepticism doesn't pay and our heart shouldn't stay closed, arid, like the one of Scrooge at the possibility of goodness that there is in the world ... starting to see and to feel Christmas's Spirit because simply, exists.
There is plenty of goodness in this world and sometimes in the most unthinkable places. Just, it's important to recognize it. And believe in magic, because magic exists.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

I thank NetGalley and Sourcebooks for this eBook.

Anna Maria Polidori

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