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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Cook Beautiful by Athena Calderone

Cook Beautiful by Athena Calderone is a sophisticated, new cookbook by ABRAMS on bookstores soon.

Athena's origins are Italians and she will talk a lot about it and the influences played by the first foods her family loved to eat all together, from macaroni to veggies in the USA for trying to re-create an italian atmosphere.

Growing up Athena became a model in NYC although later she discovered in her early 20s the man of her life and very soon the arrival of a baby.

It was from this different perspective that Athena started to think and re-think at her concept of food for her and her family.
Good, genuine, nutrient, and healthy.
Travelling she became an addicted about cookbooks, I agree, and everything involving the world of cooking and baking.

Athena discovered very soon her wonderful own style in her kitchen sharing her delicious recipes with her family, friends.

This book is divided in sections following all the stunning seasons of this world: spring, summer, fall and winter, with great recipes all the time and the best ingredients for every season of the year. Athena suggests very warmly of using only seasonal food, because fresher and more natural.

From first dishes, I noticed a lot of delicious polenta dishes, sweet as well! I want to try it! to seconds, veggies, desserts, it's a wonderful in part unusual trip in the food. Athena adds a lot of sweetness and warm in her dishes and fantasy and tenderness according to my point of view.
Each dish is illustrated so that you can figure out the final appearance because also the eyes want its part in the final process of creativity and when we start to serve it to our family.

Why buying this cookbook and other ones by ABRAMS?
Because of their philosophy of eating, because there is the research for the best quality food, because the reader is not a passive reader but someone stimulated and involved to cultivate, where possible his/her own herbs or veggies and orientated to eat with knowledge. The importance of what we introduce is essential for this publishing house, like also the importance of developing a new conscious in all the people regarding food. A leisure to share together paying attention to every ingredients and researching where and if possible quality and good food. Because, food is important exactly like our health is.

I thank NetGalley and ABRAMS for this eBook.

Anna Maria Polidori

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