200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Costruisci la Tua Storia Parola per Parola by Joanne Harris

 I love Joanne Harris. No, better: I adore Joanne Harris and her books. Fascinated by Vianne Rocher the main character of Chocolat, I continued to read all her books along the way. This latest one ordered through my book club called Club per Voi, Ten Things About Writing,  Costruisci la Tua Storia Parola

per Parola always translated by the superb Laura Grandi is a tool for that writers in search of some additional informations for the creation of a book.

Joanne explains the importance of the creation of a dedicated space for writing with some tricks, for entering in this dimension where no one should be disturbed when working, because it is not just the interruption of a creative process but also an abrupt return to the normality And in most cases, trust me, I know that, it is traumatic. The use of something  magic for the return of creativity.  It's a book, this one, dedicated to still not yet "matured" writers. People at their first book, still confused and in search of advice. The organization, creation and production of a book is difficult. It's not as short as an article is and it's necessary to establish good connections, the creations of characters should be precise, like the ones of places, historical times: story shouldn't be too confusing. You'll learn how to build a good story, how to define characters, but also the art of rewriting, and the search for a good agent, the phase of publication with interesting topics like contracts and the risks that they can offer, and a suggestion: never, never, if they ask you to do that, writing for free. You will just encourage bad people, keeping apart good opportunities and chances. Baby, it's part of the reputation.

Beautiful book, thanks Joanne! It's always a pleasure!

Anna Maria Polidori