Saturday, February 25, 2023

Il Figlio del Figlio Perduto by Soma Morgenstern

Il Figlio del Figlio

Perduto by Soma Morgenstern new book published by Marsilio and First part of a captivating Trilogy is very interesting because takes in consideration a strong Jewish story innested in that East of Europe, fertile of jewish great representatives completely destroyed,disappeared forever after the latest world war conflict.

The sets are fascinating cities of the East like the now Ukrainian city of Leopoli , then Dobropolje where Welwel one of the protagonists of this book, lives. 

Welwel and Janken leaves Dobropolje because of a congress of Jewish in Wien. Till now the narration is calm, quiet, with powerful descriptions of the trip of these two men, habits of the characters we see in action.

The arrival in scene of Alfred, the son of the brother of Welwel, fallen in disgrace many years ago,  changes the narration, becoming bubbling: this boy will change the destiny of these protagonists forever. This young man is still at the discovery of his past. No one told him the story of his father, kept secret by everyone. Something in the past of his father modofied forever the destiny of his family of origin.

For case, because the tutor of Alfred, Dr. Frankl, joins the works of the congress, Alfred is with him. 

When Dr. Frankl "abandons" the Congress, leaving alone Alfred, something will happen and Welwel will recognize in that young boy the son of his, after all, beloved brother.

Rejected from so many years, the heart of Welwel melts seeing Alfred. Jankel, understanding the prostration lived by Welwel will try his best for a happy reunion...

Beauty! I love happy ends!

Highly recommended 

Anna Maria Polidori

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