Wednesday, November 30, 2022

La Setta Henrik Fexeus by Camilla Lackberg

La Setta Henrik Fexeus

by Camilla Lackberg published by Marsilio (24 euros) is an unputtable down book. Written in short chapters, reading is quick, thematics touched serious and important. The case treated by Julia back to work after a period of maternity involves a little kid, Ossian, just 5 years old, captured by a lady, brought away in her car. In general children are captured by people close to the family: a sort of punishment for the couple but in this case there are not evidencies in this sense. Thanks to a mentalist Julia, Mina and their staff understands that there is a case pretty similar to the one of Ossian: Lilly found dead unfortunately the last year. The autoptic exams confirms that the kid was strangled but that there was also like a pressure in the chest. What caused it?

Investigators tries their best thanks to their abilities: this dilemma could be a story of time: Ossian could potentially die if the two cases are connected as affirmed by the new entry of the staff...

They would want to bring home the kid safely. Unfortunately the emerging story is more complicated. At the same time Nathalie, Mina's daughter starts to become friend with her granny. The granny has a structure where people pretty stressed afford for re-balancing their soul but maybe there is also something else...

I can't tell you more. I leave you at the reading of this book, absolutely a good Christmas gift!

Anna Maria Polidori 

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