Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Finché Non Aprirai Quel Libro by Michiko Aoyama

 Finché Non Aprirai Quel Libro by Michiko Aoyama

is a wonderful, wonderful book! released these weeks by Garzanti.

If you have loved the books by Toshikazu Kawaguchi you will also fall in love for this one.

Certain stories seem to be written to you, to me, to everyone: most of us can recognize in the tribulations, difficulties, perplexities of the various protagonists, our own existences, with similar doubts and moments when we don't know anymore where we go and the kind of life we want to live.


The existential problem treated in this book? Work, and how to work and be happy at the same time without feeling frustration: another theme, for people in pension is: what to do of the existence now? 

Thematics profound and dense of meanings. 

This time "the magical cup of coffee" the passport to a new and more satisfying existence is a librarian, mrs Komachi a pretty fat and good lady: this lady works in the library of the Community House: she is a great listener and she has the power to resolve many existential problems. Her magical touch appears also in little items realized with wood and donated to the people requesting books, but that are also in troubles and in search of something else: a solution to their problems. Komachi is not just there for judging without resolving: she is a real helper, of first class, let me add this.

Why? Because she will reply with wisdom to the lamentations of people, giving a first help: then the book suggested and the wooden little token donated to people will unblock their soul, preparing their path for that projects that they had dreamt to realize at long.

The first story the one of a girl of 21 years, shopgirl in the mega-store called Eden. She sells clothes, but she is not satisfied of her work. Better: she doesn't do that work with passion. She understands that maybe it would better another place and another work. 

She discovers, speaking with a colleague that she can does at a cheap price, sometimes free, some courses close to her house. They will better her. 

Surfing the web she discovers that very close to her there is this so called Community House, where there is this possibility. Tomoka would want to learn more on PCS and Office, you know...Word, Excel... 

Once there, anyway, she visits also the library and a girl suggests her to speak with mrs Komachi.  Komachi will suggest her a children's book, can you believe it? that will open the doors of a new vision of the existence, more tasty and satisfying.

The second story is my favorite one: here the expression more used by the protagonist of the story, Ryo, is Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will do this, tomorrow I will do that...Procrastinator for fear, Ryo works in a company where they sell furniture. When he was a teeanger he had discovered for casualty an antiquity store owned by a fascinating man, mr Ebigawa. Since then, his dream is this one: opening a store like that one. 

But...He doesn't know where to start, considering that it would be a sacrifice. He has a relationship with Hina, a girl in love for old things and with an online business. Having accompanied Hina at the Community House, will speak of his problems with mrs. Komachi. She will tell him that till at the moment that his dreams won't become a reality, they will remain forever as beautiful as he imagines them. After all she adds, they give you joy to your days. Sure Komachi adds that if strongly motivated he should try to go and see what his dreams would mean to him. The book suggested is on gardening.

While he is reading with curiosity, relaxation, the book, he will stop by to the book store of a guy who had been interviewed recently regarding his two jobs. This man has two jobs and he is pretty gratified by both, and not for a story of money.

He will clarify him that doubts won't pay, that his behavior must change and then he will be ready for this new fantastic adventure. He also asks to Ryo why he wants to open a store, and not just buying old furniture, or items, as the british teaspoon of 1905 that Ryo treasures as a trophy bought at the store of mr. Ebigawa. 

There is in this passage more than a shade of difference.

He has the answer! He wants to find a home for old things. He wants, after a long period that these objects stay in a store, to find houses and people appreciating them: better, in love for them. Because old things must find their owners. He wants to play the role of the mediator between objects and people: people must re-meet things, taking them on their hands, checking that these objects are part of them, desiring them.

In the while he will discover something on Ebigawa... We find Ebigawa in the final chapter of the book. He does now a completely different work but he is happy that someone wants to open a store because inspired by him. If he has been helpful changing so much the existence of a boy as he did, maybe he did something good in his existence.

In the third tale there is the story of Natsumy, 40 years. He worked as reported for a female magazine. Once that she has had a baby and returns to work she discovers that they have changed her status, mortifying her splendid past work.

Frustrated, Natsumi doesn't know anymore what she wants in her life. She knows that maybe the baby has been an error. Her husband is not helpful, because works till late every day, she is tired, and she wouldn't want to work where they imposed her to work. One day the colleague that she is replacing her in the newsroom asks for some help. Natsumi when was working in the newsroom had insisted for a book that had to appear in chapters in their magazine. Now: the author she wanted for the purpose was a bit old, the girls buying the magazine more or less in their 20s: we speak of a fresh magazine. There were strong doubts, but Natsumy won the resistences and the publication of the adventures of these two girls was a success.

A series of lucky meetings, with Komachi first of all, then with an ex colleague, with the writer, will permit her to discover what she wants realistically, receiving new help for a fresh start, and her adorable kid won't be judged anymore an heavy part of her existence.

Hiroya in this other story, is unemployed. He studied drawing, but they considered his drawings too dark, too gothic for being appreciated. So, this boy, mortified, stopped to search a work, staying at home and living with the frustration his condition: he has a realized brother. Her mother maybe is a bit embarassed for his status but she hasn't never considered him like a weight. Sure, she lives the other child with more happiness because he is a realized man. Hiroya's future anyway is changing because he will visit the Community House once and will speak with mrs.Komachi. Komachi suggests him a book also on the theory of Evolutionism, on Darwin with the story of Wallace as well.

Hiroya, attracted by the other youg librarian of the Community House, and thanks to a note from the past written by him and buried at school, understood that maybe he had misunderstood but also forgotten, what he wanted to do in his life and what he wanted to transmit to people. The end is beautiful.

The final story is the one of Masao. Oh, this story is hilarious. This man is in pension but he still doesn't know what to do of his remaining...time. He worked for the factory of Kuremiyado: they did the delicious Honey Dome. Mrs Komachi uses the tin box of the Honey Dome for putting there the necessary for his wooden creations. 

She suggests to Masao a book of poetry. A meeting with his daughter who works in a book store will be revelating. He had thought to be absent when the daughterwas little: maybe he hadn't followed well his daughter, but now, look at her and what she remembers of a distant conversation lost in the time... Masao at the end will find stabilization and new answers to his questions, without to forget to give value to the Honey Dome. Yes, because as also said to him by the daughter: the success of a book can't be left alone. There are many passages that can makes the difference, and as she says to his father: when I love a book and I think that it will be a success, to me it is a joy promoting it with all myself, and, adds his daughter, I haven't written it, but I love it. The revelation for Masao has been incredible. He worked at the factory where they did the Honey Dome and thinking better he had always shared his good consideration on these cookies, with joy, serenity, happiness. That's why it is important to to continue to do that, and to be supportive. 

I absolutely loved and loved and loved all these stories: they are of great inspiration for everyone. 

This one is an incredible book. Please read it. It's unique!

Anna Maria Polidori 

1 comment:

kengullette said...

It sounds like a lovely book! This is a great review!