Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Siegfried Kracauer Selected Writings on Media, Propaganda, and Political Communication Edited by Jaeho Kang, Graeme Gilloch, and John Abromeit

 Siegfried Kracauer Selected Writings on Media, Propaganda, and Political Communication

Edited by Jaeho Kang, Graeme Gilloch, and John Abromeit is a new book published by Columbia University Press.Although Kracauer has been a thinker of the XX century, on his analyses of film and popular culture, he didn't just write this.

In this book, the idea to bring together his ideas on media and political communication. These writings interests two decades and it is the first time that they have been translated in english.

In these writings Kracauer focuses the attention on the totalitarism created by Hitler including a profound exam of the messages spread, once the war was over by America and URSS.

In particular Kracauer's interest were the individuals, masses the condition of cultural production and the critique of modernity. 

Sigfried Kracauer was a German jewish journalist, critic, theorist. He left because of the Nazi's laws Germany in 1941, firstly emigrating to Paris, for then leaving for the USA. Highly recommended book.

I thank Columbia University Press for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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