Saturday, May 28, 2022

Gli Asburgo Da Sissi a Zita by Raffaella Ranise

 Gli Asburgo Da Sissi a Zita by Raffaella Ranise

is a new stunning book on one of the most known and beloved european royal families. 

Ranise with the same agility used for the story of the Romanov, analyzes here, the existence of Emperor Franz Joseph and his wife Elisabetta,called by everyone Sisi, or as we italians tend to say: Sissi. It's a story pretty tragic. The little girl just 15 years, wasn't ready for a role like the one that she should have played in the rigid austriac court. Grown-up informally and without too much appreciation for books or culture when little, Sissi found a hostile place in the royal palace of Wien: Franz Joseph, simply fell in love for her: it was a love at first sight. Sure, Sissi, as well loved Franz Joseph and Franz Joseph adored her but from the poems she wrote, she talked of lack of freedom at court and the sensation that she was living in a cage in that distant and cold place that she couldn't call home.

Elisabetta and Franz Joseph have had several children although they lost one of them pretty soon. If Sissi sounded electrified by Hunghary with which she experienced a priviledged love, she later lived an existence completely disconnected by Wien, travelling in the world, and, constantly peaceless.

Many terrible deaths surrounded Sissi. The death of Ludwig, her beloved cousin, then the tragic end of Rodolfo, the son who had to become king once his father dead, meant to her a lot in terms of mental stability. She constricted herself to travel much more. At the same time the Emperor had some love-affairs with several ladies, and one of them an actress, Katharina Schratt, appreciated by the Emperess. Sissi loved sport: she followed powerful diets to mantain a beautiful body and wonderful hair. Tall 1,72 her weight was just of 50 kilos.

She died tragically but without any idea that she was dying murdered by a man, an italian, who just wanted to kill a king, a queen or anyway someone of that environment. When he discovered that Sissi was in Ginevra he decided that, simply she would have been the victim. Irony is that Sissi didn't like italians at all, and she was killed by an italian.

To the Emperor, who had just completed a letter to her beloved Sissi, this news meant to him a profound sufferance. The Emperor was a solid man a devoted of work. He lived a long existence.He worked also the last day of his existence, with a pneumonia, high fever, and remembering to the man close to him of calling him at 3 o'clock in the morning because he needed to recuperate what he hadn't been in grade to do the previous day because of weakness and fever. But that night, he died. 1916.

Francesco Ferdinando, the one who had to take his place once Franz Joseph dead or too old, couldn't wait for that moment. Franz Joseph couldn't see Francesco Ferdinando. He didn't like his ideas. The tragic death of Francesco Ferdinando and the wife Sophie, at Sarajevo, in 1914, is moving. The two were arrived that morning and had escaped another  terrorist attack: the fatal one reached Sophie in the belly and Francesco Ferdinando in the throat. Desperate, Francesco Ferdinando cried to his wife: "Please, don't die. Stay alive for our chilldren" adding that what happened wasn't remarkably important, while he was dying. After these tragic events the last Emperor was Carlo with his beloved wife Zita, of italian origin.

Just, they tried all their best: they tried to restore peace, in every possible way and let's put things in this way, they ruined the situation and the Emperor had to go away. Carlo was very sad. In 1919 he had also catched the Spanish flu. He recovered but he didn't live at long. Once, when in exhile one day he went to the nearest town for buying some toys to the children.  He returned sick and thanks to a pneumonia, died.

Zita lived a long life surrounded by many children,one still in her belly when Carlo died and for both of them the Vatican has started a process of beatification, completed in the case of Carlo and still in process for Zita.

Beautiful and touching book. 

Being a fan of Sissi, I appreciated it a lot! 

Highly recommended.

I thank Marsilio for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

The Secret Forest Friends by Kyoko Hara and Kazue Takahashi

 The Secret Forest Friends

by Kyoko Hara and Kazue Takahashi is another beautiful adventure lived by  Mayu, that we had previously met in the first children's book of the saga: The Mailbox in the Forest. Let's remember the facts of the first children's book: Mayu during fall goes for some holidays at the house of his grand-parents. Living in a  countryside, close to their house there is a forest. Mayu is powerfully attracted by the forest, and one day she discovers a mailbox. She is so curious! In the middle of a forest. Who can have put it there? 

More: his grandfather explains her the importance of letters. You can read them once received wagons of times, it's an important vehicle to stay in touch with people.

So Mayu, in the first book of the story starts a correspondence with a stranger with a horrible handwriting but, oh! so sweet. At the end of the little book, we discover that the stranger is a little fox called Konta, curious to receive letters, although he is not too good in writing clearly.

In this second chapter, Mayu attends the summer vacation to the house of her grand-parents and she can't wait. She loves them and of course she is also anxious to meet Konta again.She must prepare some schoolwork in particular a research on the flowers and plants discovered in the forest: she stayed in touch with him sending the letter thanks to a bird of the forest who was the special mailman between Mayu and Konta during the time spoent by Mayu in her city's house.

Konta is thrilled to see her again, and Mayu brings him a beautiful hat with his colors.

A misadventure experienced by the little girl will permit to Konta to reach the house of Mayu's grandparents and his grandparent discovers Mayu's secret, this little fox, and a wonderful truth! Konta must be a relative of a little fox with which he loved to spend some time with during his childhood.

Another beautiful chapter where good sentiments, fantasy and understanding of the diversity plays the big role.

Enchanting children's book, very recommended.

I thank Museyon Books for the copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

Ps: released in hardback this July first 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Kuma-Kuma Chan, The Little Bear by Kazue Takahashi

 Kuma-Kuma Chan,

The Little Bear  by Kazue Takahashi is one of the cutest children's books I have ever seen. At the second edition, the ones portrayed in the children's book are the adventures of Kuma-Kuma Chan, the most adorable bear of all the Earth. I imagine a kid is the narrator: with his/her fertile imagination, he reads the bear in his domesticity, the same one he/she knows very well, buying books and magazines, having breakfast, brushing trees, enjoying to see the sky and its clouds from the roof of his house.

KumaKuma Chan is a happy bear. In peace with himself and the others he simply enjoys every  activity, having at the same time fun; he lives with tenderness and goodness spending great quality-time. He doesn't forget friends; he will deserve some space to write them long letters, having good care of his house and garden at the same time.

Simply super-tender, highly recommended to all the children of this world!

I thank the publishing house for the copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

555 by Hélène Gestern

 555 by Hélène Gestern

Grand Priz RTL 2022 is an unputtable down book, mysterious, built richly with precious and fascinating descritions. 

The story involves a musician, Domenico Scarlatti who was born in 1685 and was specialized in sonates. He lived various years in Spain as well building good relationship at court. His life was pretty fertile artistically and became famous for his sonates. 

The book is articolated in 13 sections and in every section there are little chapters describing the existences of the five main characters of this book:

Gregory Coblence, cabinet-maker, Giancarlo Albizon an associate, Manig Terzian a musician, Joris De Jonghe, a rich collector, Rodolphe Luzin-Farge, musicologist, biographer of Scarlatti. 

The story starts when it is found somewhere an old partition that could be the one still unknown.

But, one day the sonata disappears. Every single character of this book could have stolen this partition for the most obvious reasons. Old, precious, an unique piece....

A lot of suspects, a lot of possibilities are taken in consideration...At the end of the book, in a long letter, the explanation.

Hélène Gestern is a passionate of stories where everything starts from an old object in great to reveal a past still unknown. Another masterpiece!

Highly recommended book.

I thank L'Arlea for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Journey from St. Peterburg to Moscow by Alexander Radishchev Translated by Andres Kahn and Irina Reyfman

 I have read many book of the Russian Library by Columbia University Press but Journey from St. Peterburg to Moscow

by Alexander Radishchev Translated by Andres Kahn and Irina Reyfman is incredible if you want to think a lot soci
ally, politically trying to reach thanks to the deep thoughts of Alexander the essence of life this book is so recommended dear reader. 

The postal route through St.Peterburg to Moscow is the main protagonist, the best set Alexander could have thought at: why? Because many encounters with different people for social status and experience are more than probable, with the luggage of life that very person brings with him/her: this one is a voyage in the society, exploring social and political problems, virtues and sins of people but also good feelings. 

Every chapter means a new city or town, a new tale, a new story, a new place to discover with great intensity and emotion. 

I think at the chapter where an old father says good-bye to his children wishing them the best and at the same time explaining to them and to the readers what it means to be a parent. A decent parent. Enchanting pages and enchanting words.

Humane nature is complicated: close to the best father of the world that two children could have had, in the following chapter we discover a father, who is burying his son, but that in this case has been the responsible for the failures and illnesses and death of his son, because he poisoned his existence in many different ways, also before his arrival in this world. So putting this new life in danger.

I found interesting the chapter of freedom of press, where Alexander analyzes the various european countries with their own differentiations thanks also to internal or external tumults  and what it means to them freedom of press and so censorship. The author in fact tells that he had signed a petition for a free press.

We find fairy-tales told by third people met along the way: there are several interesting tales: the one of the man and oysters, the one of the vessel but also other stories; in a chapter  the interview with a peasant and their difficult conditions. The peasant and his relationship with the landlord; a chapter is dedicated to poetry: another one to a blind poor man. He donated him a ruble not just some kopecks and that poor man, now old, blind, once a soldier, refused that money. He asked for a scarf, because they spent a cold winter and he didn't have a scarf...

The peasants conditions return often.Why this? Because there was too much difference between the landlord, rich and powerful and the poor peasants. Peasants who were starved, like their own children, and treated without any kind of dignity.

Alexander Radishchev born in 1749 after the publication of this book in 1790 was arrested and sentenced to death: instead of being killed was deported in Siberia. Tsar Paul allowed him to return, Alexander I pardoned him. Alexander killed himself in 1802.

Highly recommended-

I thank Columbia University Press for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Key Figures Aboard RMS Titanic Superstars And Scapegoats by Anthony Nicholas

 Key Figures Aboard RMS Titanic Superstars

And Scapegoats by Anthony  Nicholas is an interesting book on the people who worked and played a role, little or big that was, in the Titanic. 

Who were these people? The most diversified ones. Anthony writes: "Able seamen, bandsmen, and engineers. Firemen and ship’s officers. Passenger stewards and wireless operators. The majority of those brave, selfless men would die, too. Mostly, the true nature of their stories, their sacrifice, has remained in the long shadow of the stage on which they fought the irresistible forces of nature".

This book wants to remember most of them. I have chosen some stories: stories of ordinary people, men, women, with dreams, passions, families, projects for their existence. 

Joseph Bell was an enginner and understood very well what was going on that terrible night of 14 april 1912.  

Violet Jessop was an Irish immigrants:  at first in other ships, passed reluctantly at the Titanic. She was an easy going girl. She saved her existence and in june 1912 she was on board again. She became a nurse when the First World War started. She worked also after the First World War, completing her work in ships only in 1950 when 63.

The five postal clerks were, three Americans: Willian Gwinn, aged 37, New Yorker, 50-year-old John March, New Jersey, and 44-year-old Oscar Woody Virginia and two british: 35-year-old James Williamson a Dublin native, and John ‘Jago’ Smith. A lot of work because correspondence was massive, the five men were off duty late on Sunday, 14 April. They were enjoying a drink to celebrate Oscar Woody’s birthday. They tried their best, saving the correspondence when they discovered what happened but it was impossible. In a few minutes that room was plenty of water. They communicated that to Captain Smith. They all died.

Four lifts, elevators, each of them had an operators. The three operators in first-class were Frederick Allen, William Carney, and Alfred King. The second-class lift operator was Reginald Pacey.

The Last Lifeboat was smaller than the conventional ones. What a story this one:  a certain Mr.Hoffman a french fugitive, with two kids offered them over to the officials of the lifeboat. He never left the ship, dying. Realitiscally Hoffman wasn't his name. French, he was a fugitive. His name was Michel Navartil. He had kidnapped both his children with which wanted to start a life in the USA, distant from his wife. Marcel and Edmund later were reunited with their mother. Marcel became the last living male survivor of the Titanic. 

Jack Phillips, was 24, Harold Bride 22 and they were the Marconi Wireless Room Men. They didn't work for the White Star but for the Marconi Company .We know what happened the 14th. Per some hours the wireless didn't work and was repaired by Phillips. The Mesada, once restored the wireless communicated the exact point where to find an iceberg, but without to add to the message an alarming priority. Oberated by work, Phillips put the message aside...

The Californian a ship close to the Titanic, decided to wait the arrival of the new day interrupting their trip: it was too dangerous to proceed with icebergs all around. Their captain mr. Lord talked with Evans the only operator of their wireless room: "Alert the Titanic. Tell them that the situation is critical." But Phillips, when Evans tried to do that, answered back him rudely and so Evans shocked for the rudeness of his colleague decided that enough was enough, a long days spent at work later meant also a good night of sleeping: Evans closed the wireless woom, went to bed forgetting the rude guy of the Titanic. 

Bride survived and once in the Carpathia was helpful with the only wireless operator, Cottam. They were old friends.

He married a girl had 3 children and died at the age of 66.

It was a case for Wallace Hartle, one of the musician to return to perform in that final trip, in the Titanic. His plans were, at 33 years, to marry his girlfriend Maria; sure he was also tempted by this final trip. 

When understood that the Titanic was dooming, the imperative was to continue to perform till the very end. And they did it. No one saved the existence: "Instead, they kept playing even as the world around them collapsed,and the Titanic carried them down,into the abyss" writes the author.

May 12, the funeral of Wallace was attended by 1000 people. 

The violin of Wallace was returned to Maria, in Canada: Maria never married anyone and died pretty soon, in 1939: the violin was sold later at an auction  for the big soum of $1,700,000, on 19 October 2013. Probably bought by another man or woman attracted by the Titanic and his characters and stories.

I love to think that Wallace and the other musicians are continuing to entertain in the profoundity, the abysses of the Ocean, musical phantoms, the rest of the errand peaceless souls. 

Thomas Andrews built the Titanic, projected the Titanic. He didn't save his existence but was extremely helpful during the concitation of the moment. Knowning precisely well what would have happened to the ship, mortified for the absence of sufficient lifeboats, he decided to follow the destiny of his creature.

Charles Lightoller was the second officer aboard the RMS Titanic and survived. Lightoller worked frantically to save as many people as possible when understood the order of the captain: it was necessary to abandon the ship. It was sinking. The rest of his existence remains adventurous.

Captain Smith: this one would have been his last trip before to go to pension. He was 62 years in 1912.

Beautiful career, married, a daughter, it was a dream of Smith to spend some time with his family after this final trip. He was paid £1,200 per annum, at long with the White Star was a handsome man.

Captain Smith, rich, famous, the sultan of the Ocean, decided to remain in the ship, sinking with her. Yes: obviously it wasn't requested but he decided to do that. A 100 years after the sinking of the Titanic, I always think that there is a big connection between us and people and events now in the other dimension, in Italy very close to the island of il Giglio the Costa Concordia a cruise ship, wounded, started to embark water: technically that ship never sank as did the Titanic and was very close to the land! Captain Francesco Schettino hasn't been so heroic: he decided to leave, scared, the ship, putting in danger his crew and passenger, because the captain is the one who gives precise orders, avoid panic, and is present to himself, passengers and crew. Without captain...It's like a beehive without queen: dispersion, the end of everything. 32 people died in the "sinking", let's use the word wound, of Costa Concordia, but these people could have been all saved. 

I would want to remember what did the italian captain Arma of the Diamond Princess, the ship with the first outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic onboard during the first pandemic wave, in Japan per weeks, was the last one who left the ship once the rest of the passengers back home, or to the hospitals.

Highly recommended book.

I thank Pen & Sword for the copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Basta un Caffè per Essere Felici by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

 Basta un Caffè per Essere Felici

by Toshikazu Kawaguchi is another powerful book on the little cafeteria located in Tokyo, where it is possible time-travelling in the past or in the future.

Rules are diversified: you must remain sat in the chair; the person you want to meet must have been a client of the cafeteria; nothing will change the destiny of the people involved in the time-travels; it's impossible to save an existence for example; every time-traveler starts the experience when the coffee is put in the cup and the coffee, once in the past or future must be drunk when still warm; in opposite case people die and become phantoms. 

Stories analyzed by the author are four and all strong and touching. The first one, oh, I cried a lot reading that, is the story of two close friends. 

One of them, Suichi had a daughter, but after few months from this joyous event, a terrible fact changed the cards on the life's table so that his friend, Gotaro, grew her up. That's why there is a special, special intensity in this story: it's the story of an optimistic Suichi, the one who always looked at the positive side of the existence, with a video recorded for his daughter and for her wedding, rich of comforting words for Gotaro as well.

In the second story Yukio wants to meet her mother; a mother who had believed in the talent of his son as a potter: Yukio left so his parents, went to the workshop of a famous potter, where he learned the work; unfortunately as it happens sometimes at a lot of people, remained behind and wasn't in grade to build his own existence, living poorly, making immense sacrifices, without to resolve anything with his profession. 

One day, he had in the while put aside a lot of money with the purpose to open his own store, someone dishonest stole him everything: so the promise of a  workshop vanished, abruptly: covered by debts, desperate, when her mother died, he could not attend the funeral. Yukio so, felt the necessity to meet again the mother: his idea was the one of dying, leaving the coffee alone and cold: the mother understood it, and asked to his son, although the difficulties experienced, to return to the world, and to fight.

It's another stunning and powerful story, in particular in the line when the mother tells him: "The biggest pain for a parent is not being in grade to save the existence of a son who wants to die." But, in this case, Yukio will return to the present.

The story of Kurata and Asami is a story of a broken love... Kurata wanted to see if the girlfriend was fine after his end. It is moving because in this case the trip will be in the future and in general in the future is more difficult to meet people... 

Kiyoshi is a middle-age man. He had lost the wife more than 30 years ago; he hadn't never presented her any gift, so he bought her for the time-travel in the past a necklage. Once returned in the past, he will understand that the wife had profoundly misunderstood him. He loved Kimiko so badly. 

Kazu one of the workers of the cafeteria will resolve his intimate problems, caused by the death of her mother. The phantom, in fact in the cafeteria is the one of her mother, who didn't never return from her time-travel. She will confess her that she wants to be happy, setting Kaname, this one the name of the phantom of the cafeteria, happy, cheerful and free.

Absolutely moving, these books are balms for the soul!

Highly recommended.

Anna Maria Polidori 

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Les Enfants Oubliee d'Hitler Au Coeur du Program Lebonsborn by Ingrid Von Oelhafen and Tim Tate

 What a moving book is this one: Les Enfants Oubliee d'Hitler Au Coeur du Program Lebonsborn

by Ingrid Von Oelhafen and Tim Tate.

It's a research on an identity long more than 60 years: it's the story of a baby, grown up "thanks" to the program Lebensborn by a rich german family, the one of von Oelhafen.

Born Erika Matko, for certain reasons this girl ended up in the program created by Himmler with the purpose of a quick germanification of people passing through new vigorous arian children. 

It was only later that Erika discovers the truth, and it is shocking because she thought that she was part of the von Oelhafen, exactly like her brother... 

His father, the adoptive one was a hard person. Her adoptive mother had left him and had had another baby with a new man: the mother of Ingrid decides that she must interrupt her studies. She wants to leave her in fact her activity in the kinesitherapy field. Although skeptical, Ingrid will continue the activity of her mother, starting, after her departure the researches of her real origins. It won't be simple but also thanks to meetings with the ex children of the program Lebensborn, she won't give up, discovering the truth at the end.

The centrality of this book is the meaning of identity. Is it just a story of blood? No: it is not, as remarks Ingrid. It's something different: a chemical encounter with people met along her way during the childhood and that marked her existence. 

This book is particularly detailed regarding what it meant the end of the last world war conflict and the assets of the new order; Ingrid won't avoid to tell the atrocities committed by several soldiers of different States on civilians.

It is described pretty well her existence, a good one, the one of her family, and the years immediately after the world war conflict including her relationship with the several members of the von Oelhafen family.

Considering where we are at the moment, with a new conflict in the heart of Europe, the words of Ingrid resonates prophetics: the author writes that this book has been written in a moment of great hostility between several nations, religions. But it is in that countries where there was the rideau de fer, as writes Ingrid, that there is more nationalism, where it is more researched a racial superiority or a historical superiority. "Jamais, depuis 1945, le continent - et,au-delà le monde - n'a été si dangereusement divisé" adds Ingrid ending with a sad idea:  the lesson of History is that people won't learn the lesson of History. 

Highly recommended book.

I thank Fayard for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

Jean-Blaise Le Chat Qui se ne Prenait Pour un Oiseau by Emilie Boré & Vincent

 Jean-Blaise Le Chat Qui se ne Prenait Pour un Oiseau

by Emilie Boré & Vincent is an interesting new children's book published by La Joie de Lire.

Important thematic, this one: the knowledge of different temperaments, characters, inclinations that sometimes children experience.

The message  passes through a so cute, tender story: the one of Jean-Blaise. Jean-Blaise is a curious, confused cat: apparently he is like  the other cats you meet along your way: you wouldn'r say that he is different at all. 

Just...He doesn't like to be a cat. He thinks that he is a bird and he acts like a bird. Yes, you read well: Jean-Blaise doesn't just admire birds: he thinks that he is one of them. 

And what can he does? 

He must prove that he is a bird, and not a cat. 

His existence starts to be singular with a lot of funny episodes. 

Birds, at the same time, searched and appreciated by Jean-Blaise can't recognize him as a member of their clan because he is a cat. They try to let him see that he is different: that he is not a bird and that he should accept his being! It's beauty to be a cat.

Jean-Blaise is stubborn and so tries to fly once, falling after few seconds. 

Jean-Blaise won't never be a bird? Depressed, one day, strolling along a street, Jean-Blaise  notices a beautiful house. The one of a psychologist.

The psychologist is curious regarding this cat and pretty soon discovers his problem.

The psychologist explains him that he is born cat, but also that he has several people thinking that they are Napoleon: that maybe he has the character of a bird. Will he stay with him? He would live as he prefers.

Being happy now, sometimes Jean-Blaise will remember to be also a cat with his new owner. 

A beautiful album on self-acceptance! for everyone.

Emilé Boré is author of other two book for children, while Vincent, the illustrator has had an important experience in a satiric journal called Vigousse and collaborates with the daily magazine Le Courrier. 

Highly recommended.

I thank L'Editions La Joie de Lire for the physical copy of the album.

Anna Maria Polidori 

Monday, May 02, 2022

Time Travelling to 1972 Reliving a very Special Year

 Time Travelling to 1972 Reliving a very Special Year

is a book sent me thanks to Library Book. It is sunny, relaxing.

We are in the USA and we discover an amazing historical moment.

Many the facts happened that year... You will discover like, for example that Ceylon becomes the Republic of Sri Lanka or that Okinawa Returned to Japan: in the USA Governor George C Wallace is shot remainging paralyzed. 

There is a new car everyone loves: the new one proposed by Volkwagen: Beetle! The most-Sold car in History. Disney will realize several movies with this car! All beloved ones.

UNESCO launches the World Heritage Site: we assist at the birth of the first hand-held scientific calculator created by Helett-Packard. 

It was an incredible year for movies: The Godfather earned wagons of money, but also Last Tango in Paris was another crucial movie of the year. 

Chaplin received a prize at the Academy Award and it was a 12 minute standing ovation still the longest one in the history of the Academy.

Best Foreign Language Film was the italian movie The Garden of the Finzi-Continis ,

directed by Vittorio de Sica.

At the Berlin Film Festival the Golden Bear went to the The Canterbury Tales , directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, a co-production Italy/France. 

A new tv series is appreciated: M*A*S*H* 

Many many more curiosities in a book pretty informative!

Highly recommended. 

I thank the publishing house for the copy.

Anna Maria Polidori