Monday, January 03, 2022

Searching for a President

Teana Newman left and Penny Radford, right 

Angela Nutts informs the supporters of the charity Books for Dogs, that, after the resignation of Penny Radford, founder, creatore and first President of the charity, with Teana Newman, there is the urgency of finding someone else.

The characteristics of the new person?

She/he must have a robust knowledge of spoken and written italian when any meeting have to take place, and every legal documents have to be read and understood. Residence in Italy is necessary for the same reason. 

Being Books for Dogs an ONLUS registered charity with a PARTITA IVA, clarifies Angela, it is also necessary to comply with government regulations: Penny Radford adds Angela, used to regularly visit the Comune of Umbertide to update them 'on what weare doing in the community' and how they can possibly help as well.

Angela continues saying that there are fiscal responsibilities as the new President's name will appear on all relevant documents. Agenzia delle Entrate and Codice Fiscale Authorities. 

The person who will become President must understand something very important, underlines Angela: "All of Us in Books for Dogs believe passionately that what we are doing in raising money with our shop and by donating money to the caniles that need our help with things like washing machines, medicines and food etc can only benefit the animals that we all care about in order to give them as best a life as we can until they find new, loving homes.

Anna Maria Polidori

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