Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Magick and Broomsticks The Portal to Your Wild Side A 90 Days Journal by Jacqueline Pirtle

 Magick and Broomsticks

The Portal to Your Wild Side A 90 Days Journal by Jacqueline Pirtle will let you think and act quickly: thanks to the wildest part of our being we will enter in posses of our own existence, living free and joyous as a dolphine, but, first of all, remember, thanks to our own magical touch.

In this book is stimulated in particular the wild side of us; accompanied and followed by these sacred internal forces that are quiet commons in our existence, we will be in grade to win obstacles becoming strong and creative women at the same time.

This book will donate to the reader the most magical part of her, what she would want to be, who she is and how she can tranforms her existence for better. We will be in a rainbow like a leprechaun,  visualizing its colors, imagining to be a queen, or an animal; we will be tranported by a cloud and broomstick where we want; we will visualize ourselves under the semblance of a flower; we will drink a cup of tea more than like a ritual, as a powerful and magical beverage in grade of turning our dreams in reality: we will describe what we see looking up the sky. Tranformation will also mean the creation of beauty and brilliance in good and sad moments of our existences.

Candles: let's speak of them: beauty, suggestive, magical, they re-connect us with past, present, future; they calm down our spirit, or, differently, t give us more energy and atmosphere. Which are your favorite ones?

Who resemble pure magic to you while you create your own magic potion?

This journal is spectacularly beauty! Highly suggested!

I thank Jacqueline Pirtle for the copy of the book!

Anna Maria Polidori 

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