Thursday, October 21, 2021

Practically Pagan An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by Maria DeBlassie

 Practically Pagan

An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by  Maria DeBlassie attracted me so badly. I was ready of using the magical spells for wishes or, telling the truth, just for trying to see if magic works. 

Forget it. 

This one is a self-help book with a touch of magic, but nothing else,  because as explains the author, although a doctorate and a successful existence, she needed to discover something else.

In this book you will find a lot of advice for going on in the existence in a very gracious way; from gym to food and the creation of more physical space for your exigencies, and many other suggestions for bettering your existence in a physical and emotional level.

Interesting book because written with passion and competence and with some magical sparks!

Highly ecommended.

I thank John Hunt Publishing for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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