Sunday, August 08, 2021

An Island at War by Deborah Carr

 An Island at War

by Deborah Carr is a new book published by Harper & Collins telling us, magistrally well the thematic of war: in this case the latest world war conflict, and the consequences that had on a family of people living in the Channel Islands. Inspired by the real facts experienced by the relatives of Deborah Carr, in this book there is a mixture of diaries entries and real life.

The story starts when Rosie is sent to the UK and Estelle Le Maistre remains in Jersey for assisting her old grand-mother: the grand mother had a farm and hands were indispensbile in a daily base for chores. 

In London aunt Muriel in the while, at a depressed and "lost" Rosie donates a journal, thinking that maybe it would be helpful in a moment so stressing to her, because distant from her family.

The purpose of this notebook the one of writing down every possible thought of her Londoner's existence, for later sharing it with her sister Estelle and the rest of her family.

Devastated from a tragedy in their family, Rosie will write down her first important thoughts....

Estelle must undertands pretty soon the new important guidelines brought by the war.

Every part of their existence was severely altered by the war.

Two different perspectives: the one of Rosie, in London, in the capital, missing of course the countryside and the one of Estelle in a farm surrounded by nature, animals, trees. The perfect portrait of war, as we knew very well. While I was reading this book I thought in fact at the existence spent by my aunt Adriana in the center of Rome, while the rest of the family lived in our area, a countryside. I discovered a lot of similarities.


I thank Harper & Collins and Netgalley for having suggested me this book by Deborah Carr.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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