Friday, July 30, 2021

Thanks for the book Garth Stein!

 Hoooray! The package with the latest book by Garth Stein this time arrived safely.

It's a story that must be told. A lot of time ago, when I read that Garth Stein was publishing a completely different book,a  graphic novel, I asked for a review copy directly to him.

I love Garth Stein's books. I read all of them. I discovered Garth thanks to the book Raven Stole the Moon. Corvò Rubò la Luna. I found it at the supermarket remaining simply bewitched by it. 

The story in Raven stole the Moon the one of the departure of the beloved son of a couple and the trip, intimate, magical of his mother passing through old Native American legends whispering of otters...

Months after that conversation, Garth didn't tell me anything in the while, I received a message: the book is returned to the USA after a lot of months that I had sent it.

My joy was that Garth has sent the book, the sadness at the same time, that the package returned to the USA. 

No one told me that there was a book waiting for me, so I changed the address of destination: directly in Gubbio, where, I was sure that the packge would have arrived.

And hoooray! today after months reached the proper destination.

I thank you a lot Garth. My new reading! Great for the summer-time.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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