Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Pandemia e Disuguaglianza Note sullo Stato Sociale di Francesco Farina

Francesco Farina recently wrote a booklet published by Luiss  called Pandemia e Disuguaglianza Note sullo Stato Sociale. In this booklet some considerations regarding the current situation, the past and a future not too pink for the humanity.

World was absolutely unprepared at the eventuality of an influenza pandemic. In Italy but also in countries like Netherland or Sweden systematically, these past decades governments cut sanity, reducing beds, reducing hospitals! one of the most felt places in a city! Reducing the compassion and choices where to be cured.

The arrival of the pandemic flu found unprepared a sanitary system dependent by China for everything, masks, respiratories, necessary for going on with tranquillity in this big crisis.

And tranquillity, of course, didn't exist at all. We have seen desperation, a lot of losses. 

China was one of the wisest, and most richest country in the world in grade of giving proper answer and keeping efficient its sanitary system, although the advent of the influenza

pandemic, started in a city of 12 million of people, Whuan in Ubei, meant the collapse of the sanitary system in that asiatic portion of country, because the number of sick people incredibly elevated. An influenza pandemic is more infective than not a common influenza. 

European countries were not still completely healthy from the 2008 powerful crisis, but the pandemic crisis  is something more profound. It will mean to the various countries an exam of 

society and how it was thought in the past.

So, with a recession still cheerful around, the pandemic flu, where possible is putting again economy down and it will in the future. But, social discrepancies that were and are existing for example in our country, will become more strong in the future, where maybe more children will 

leave schools before the natural end and where not everyone will be in grade of accessing at good jobs. 

Not only: the frantically research for a vaccine started months ago in many countries like France with the Pasteur, UK with Oxford supported by the italian government, the Whuan one, where some people are tested with placebo and other with their human vaccine, the  USA, is laudable altough Farina remarks  that a competition for a vaccine shouldn't exist and that the vaccine should be available to everyone and every part of the world, and, of course,  completely free.

Not all the sanitary systems are OK. In the USA health system is considered a meritocratic value and so it is completely private. Well, this system, heartless, can't play a good role in this pandemic flu because the weakest part of the population can't access to the hospitals and a covid-19 test can cost also 1900 dollars!

Probably, admits Farina, we will assist at more discrepancies between south and north of the world; rich countries and countries more poor; social status means a lot in this historical moment because it can makes the difference in terms of cures and treatments. 

Liberalism promised a good existence to everyone, rich and poor, but as we have seen, adds Farina, it didn't bring anything good and so in recent years we discovered the return of  populism.

I read with pleasure this booklet and I warmly suggest it to everyone. It is written in italian.

I thank Luiss for sharing via newsletter the booklet.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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