Saturday, September 28, 2019

Parenting from the Eyes of the Lollipops by Jacqueline Pirtle

Parenting from the Eyes of the

Lollipops by Jacqueline Pirtle is a self-help book dedicated to all that parents, or couples attending children or that desire to have some children.
It's a book of great intensity where the main voice is the one of the child every new chapter you will read.
Who is a parent? Someone who decided one day of extending his own life creating a new human being. And why lollipops?
Because for being great parents affirm Jacqueline, it's important to visualize great, good and positive imagines and nothing is more strong and more beauty than lollipops. Lollipops remind good thoughts, sunny moments, joy, happiness, and perfect instants of our childhood. Same must be now that children are around.
It is of course not simple to be a parent, but it is a work that is learned every day, presenting to children positive vibes.
Every person who wants to experience maternity or parenthood will learn soon that this fact will change drastically his/her existence, but the beauty is this one. As writes with the narrating voice of The Child, Jacqueline, this one could be the portrait of the arrival of a kid: 
“Yes, there was a time before me. Oh what a glorious time that was, you might think—but no matter how much fun you had in your life before me, it’s more fun now, because either I am already here or am about to arrive. And because of me, everything is so much richer in vividness. I am excited to enjoy through you what you already have experienced, and can’t wait to fill the gaps of what you have not experienced yet.”

The author indicates three pillars of parenting: The Harmonious Dance, It Is Never The Child and The Love Cycle of Parenthood. 
First of all it's indispensible a positive approach. Children are not property of parents. Yes, of course they are educated by them, grown by them, but they have peculiar characters, dreams and expectations and parents should absolutely trying to help their children's inspirations.
It's difficult to admit that children are something else from us, but it is true. A kid develps sometimes complete different ambitions from the ones of their parents, but parents must be encouraging.
A pessimistic approach also in the daily life will put children down, so parents should always stay positive with their children. It doesn't say that they shouldn't remark what it is unfair, of course, but it would be better to see the best of them and not just their negative sides.
I thought that I was weird because sometimes I talk alone. Well, it's a comforting idea the suggestion of Jacqueline:
" Talk to your food! Talk to the air! Talk to the sun, moon, and sky! Talk to the rain! Talk to your shoes! Make chatting with everything out loud a common practice with your children. Not only is this loads of fun, you also are playing with the universal law that everything is energy, the same energy, and sharing its energies at all times—and that all energy carries information and knowledge for whoever  is inclined to listen. Your environment has so much to give to you—open wide and allow this expansion of experiences to fill you and your children in every new split second of your life."

Being parents mean living a long existence with children; a couple will see the evolution of all of them, their little or biggest problematicis, dreams, expetactions, studies, works during the various phases of their existence: Jacqueline offers tips, suggestions and a great guidance.
Parenting through the eyes of Lollipops means seen this process through the eyes of children:
"When I am grumpy, BE that lollipop for me! When I am tired, BE that lollipop for me! When I am mean, BE that lollipop for me! When I am unfair, BE that lollipop for me! When I am hangry, BE that lollipop for me! When I am a wild rebel child, BE that lollipop for me! All other joyous times, I AM the lollipop for you!"

Childrens are lessons learned everyday from parents, this is normal and the rest of their existence will be spent realizing more, physically and emotionally thanks to the presence of their "human extensions."

This book offers advice for every sphere of the daily existence of a family. 

Highly recommended.

I thank Jacqueline for the copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori

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